United Luxury Logistics Services

. United Luxury United Luxury .
Logistics Services





Transporting more than 7,000 rooms of different sizes for the Neom project, including: -: Turjina, Exa Gone, The Line, Jabal Al Lawz
Transporting more than 5,000 Room of different sizes for Qiddiya project
Transporting more than 700 rooms of different sizes for the Red Sea project
Independent laboratory tested to kill Norovirus & the NDM-1virus
Certified to kill MRSA and E.Coli in 30 seconds
Effective Biocide & Sanitiser – kills 99.9999% of bacteria.
Alcohol Free and HMC Halal Certified
Non-Flammable Water Based Cleaner & Sanitiser
MEDiZAR® is completely alcohol free, is 100% Eco-Friendly and Bio-Degradable
MEDiZAR® has no Hazard Indicators and is Non-Irritant to the skin
MEDiZAR® is supported by full BS/EN (British/European Standards) Certification
Transporting more than 1200 rooms of different sizes to the regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Transporting more than 300 rooms of different sizes for the Umluj project
Transporting iron and gypsum goods and listing more than 2600 types to
Works previously implemented in land transportation
– Transporting more than 7,000 rooms of different sizes for the Neom project, including: -: Turjina, Exa Gone, The Line, Jabal Al Lawz
– Transporting more than 5,000 Room of different sizes for Qiddiya project
– Transporting more than 700 rooms of different sizes for the Red Sea project
– Transporting more than 300 rooms of different sizes for the Umluj project
– Transporting more than 1200 rooms of different sizes to the regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
– Transporting iron and gypsum goods and listing more than 2600 types to
我们,联合豪华物流服务公司,是供应链和贸易的重要组成部分。我们致力于高效、有效地组织、管理和流动货物和服务,从原产地到目的地。我们的目标是实现物流业务的全面协调和组织,包括运输、仓储、库存管理和产品分销。我们的组织依靠使用先进的技术来提高运营效率并节省时间和成本。这项技术包括使用供应链管理系统 (SCM)、货运跟踪程序、绩效测量设备和数据分析来获得战略见解
我们还遵守最佳的本地和国际标准,这有助于我们在运输和提供设备、安全工具、搬运和货架方面处于领先地位,这是我们的骄傲之源,因为我们寻求为实现沙特阿拉伯王国 2030 年的愿景做出贡献
1) 各类设备租赁:叉车 – 起重机 – 发电机 – Bobcat
2) 安全车租赁:D-Max 汽车
3) 平板车租赁:平板车 – 拖车 – 低平板车
4) 特殊货物特殊运输:特殊货物
5) 各类带司机的巴士租赁:Hiace Ace 巴士 – Coaster – Ashok Leyland – Mercedes 巴士公共交通

We have extensive experience in local residential moving, commercial moving, long-distance moving,Furniture Storage. Our customers value our professionalism, work ethic, and our service quality.